Monday, December 22, 2008

9 Weeks

Well this will be our last post until we return from Texas. We can't wait to see everyone and hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the pictures!
"Who needs Santa, I've got grandparents!"

Isn't she so CUTE!!

She is getting so big!

Monday, December 15, 2008

8 Weeks Old

Well this week has shown to be a little trying of mommy and daddy's patience, but we have made it through. Abbi was very colicky this week (at least that is what the Dr and I think it is) One minute she will be happy and the next she is screaming her head off. However, she did learn some new things this week.....look.

That's right her daddy taught her how to stick out her is so cute to watch. Tyler will do it and she will just laugh and then she will try. I tried to get it on video but I wasn't quick enough. She was upset by the time I got it.

After a bath on Saturday (8 Weeks) I put her in the same outfit that she came home from the hospital in....she has outgrown it now. Look at the difference

3 days old8 weeks old

She is also making all sorts of cute noises now...we are working on her saying mama. =) Well that is all for now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

7 Weeks Old

"Hello Everyone"
Well another week has come and gone and Abbi is getting bigger. This last week has been a little stressful...Abbi has had some bad stomach aches. Last night (Saturday) she was up for at least an hour screaming her little head off. I at first thought she had some acid reflux but after talking with some of the other women at church who have little ones I believe she may have some really bad gas. I think she is gulping in a lot of air because the milk comes out so fast. Anyways I went to Kroger tonight and got her some natural gas relief drops....we shall see what the night holds....(so far she is sleeping good).

In other news we tried her on the bottle again this weekend and she finally took it for some of the ladies at church. However, I have to be totally out of the room where she can not hear me, smell, me, or see me. I am so happy though now because I know she won't starve if I leave her some where.

"I'm ready for the snow"

"Dadddy, stop taking pictures of me and PICK ME UP!"

"Ok I will smile for the camera, this one time"

A couple of weeks ago we had some family pictures taken...these aren't the best quality because you have to order them from JcPenny, but they will do.

Well that is the end for this week..tune in next week for more exciting times with the Loopers!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

6 Weeks Old

Well Thanksgiving is over and there are so many things for us to be thankful for. We really missed all our family at Thanksgiving this year, but we didn't spend it alone. Brett's mom and dad invited us over to have Thanksgiving with them and their family. They had a lot of food. We are very thankful to have a church family here that loves us and ministers to us. We are thankful for our Savior, all our family and friends and especially thankful this year for our little girl!

Sorry we didn't update last week we ran out of batteries and I didn't go get any until the middle of the week. But don't worry I got the rechargeable ones now so we shouldn't run out anymore. Tyler did take one last Saturday so here she is at 5 weeks...just look at her =)

She has moved to her own bed now and she seems to do pretty well in there. She is sleeping good and only gets up every 3 or 4 hours. We are progressing in the right direction =).

" I would rather be sleeping next to Mommy!"

Today I pumped some milk for her to see if she would take a bottle and so far we are not having any luck with it. I have bottles that are supposed to be just like breastfeeding, but she doesn't like it. Good thing I don't plan on going any where for a long period of time without her.

"Daddy is trying to feed me a bottle and I don't like it!...Where is my Mommy?!"

"I am so happy in the mornings."

"Talk to the hand"

Here is a short video clip of her first theology lesson. I had gone to the store and when I got back this is what I found. She never took her eyes off of Tyler while he was reading. It was so cute!

Abigail is now 9 pounds 4 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. She is growing very fast. Well that is all for this weekend. We will do our best to keep updating every week. Stay tuned for more. We love you all and can't wait to see everyone in December.

Monday, November 17, 2008

4 Weeks

Here is Abbi at 4 weeks old. She weighs 9 pounds now. She is growing so fast.

I am so sophisticated

She loves her Daddy

And she loves her mommy's kisses

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well I haven't been on here and updated in a long time. Tyler beats me to it...he is a very excited and proud daddy. Everything is going well here, Abbi and I are doing well. She is not sleeping throught the night yet which is expected. However, she has moved to waking up every 4 hours instead of 2. It is such a blessing that the Lord has allowed me to stay home with her. I get plenty of rest here at home with her.

I put Abbi on her belly this morning so she could show off her skills. She is a little inch worm and she moves so well. (my battery died though so I didn't get all of her moving. I'll try again another day) She is getting so big she is a little over 8 pounds now and is staying awake more during the day. She is looking more and more like her daddy. I love watching her little faces she makes.

I wanted to say thank y'all for all the prayers and support throughout the pregnancy and delivery. God has blessed us with a beautiful little girl and I give Him all the praise for her.

Monday, November 10, 2008

3 Weeks Old!

Here's our little girl at 3 weeks old. She is doing great and really starting to pay attention to her surroundings.

Matters of Prayer:
  1. The pediatrician called us today and asked us to come back in to have her blood drawn. When she was born they took some blood and it came back showing some possible issues with her thyroid. They are not too concerned, but want to make sure that the levels are down to were they need to be. Sorry that is a little nebulous, but that is what they told us.
  2. Also, I will be preaching on November 30, Sunday Morning.
  3. We just got word from our pastor that a member of our church past away Sunday night. His name was Spunky Patton and he was 63. His death comes as a major shock and blow to us. His family owns an insurance company here in town and they are also faithful to the church. Lacey had just talked to him and his wife the other day when she set up insurance for our car. His father is one of the oldest members of our church and gets around better than most 50 year olds, he is 94. Please be praying for the Patton family.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

2 Weeks Old!

Here she is, in all of her delightful poses...
Two weeks and a couple of hours old!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Prayer Request Update-Tyler's Mid-Terms

Thank you for your prayers concerning my mid-terms, I made it through with A's and B's.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

1 Week Old...and Asleep

Our little girl is now one week old. We hope for the first year to take pictures of her each Saturday to show how she has grown and changed. She is starting to hold her head up more and when laid on her tummy she will will wiggle and push herself about six to ten inches before she decides she has had enough and wants to rest. Today (Sunday) was her first day to sit through two sermons and be at church. She did pretty well and didn't make too much noise until she got hungry during brother Brett's first sermon. He was preaching on predestination and election, so I am not too worried about her missing the last part of the sermon since her daddy loves the Doctrines of Grace and will teach her about God's excellent redemption of man planned before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4) ;).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Abbi's Home!

The pediatrician released Abbi from the hospital today around eleven or so. It feels great to have her home and no longer have to look at her through a clear plastic box. Tomorrow (10/21), Lacey will take Abbi back to the hospital for some more lab work to check her blood levels and hopefully the Jaundice will have cleared up some more. If not, she will be readmitted into the hospital; so please be praying that the Jaundice will continue to clear up. Right now we have a blue light that we set her on while she is not feeding. She truly is a "blue light" special in our house right now. Here are some more pictures of her homecoming:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Abigail Mae Looper born on October 18, 2008

Lacey gave birth to our beautiful baby girl, Abbi, at 10:40am Saturday morning after being in labor for about 11-12 hours. Abbi weighs 6 pounds and 9 ounces as well as 19 1/2 inches long. Lacey did very well and both of them are tired, but healthy. There were no serious complications during the delivery. After delivery Lacey began to feel very faint and almost passed out because she had lost more blood than what is "normal," but she is doing fine now. Abbi will be staying another day at the hospital due to jaundice and most likely will get to come home mid-afternoon on Monday (10/27). Thank you all for your prayers. We are very happy and praise God for His goodness toward us. There will be more to come later but for now you can adore some of our pictures:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Almost There...

Last Thursday the doctor informed us that Lacey is dilated to a three and is 70% effaced. Originally the plan was for her to be induced on Monday Oct. 19 but because of lack of space in the hospital we will now be inducing the day before at 6:00am Sunday morning. We are pretty excited, as well as nervous. Please be praying for us. There are three main matters of prayer:
  1. The delivery of our child is absolutely number one. We are not expecting any difficulties but this will be a first for Lacey and a first for me (respectfully). Lacey experienced some of her first "hard" contractions last night, which we know is only a taste of what is to come. Many of you know of her low tolerance for pain and the state of her back, so please pray for God's grace in this. It was hard to watch her, so please keep me in mind too so that I don't loose my nerve and am able to be strong for her. It is hard to say that we are prepared for what lays before us, but we are committed to honoring God in faithfulness throughout the next several days of pregnancy. Pain in pregnancy is something that is unavoidable (I say this with all respect for my wife and do not mean to make light of it in anyway), so it would seem almost worthless to ask our Lord to remove it, but we do ask that He would perfect His strength in my wife and His steadfastness in me. This is what we need your prayers in the most, that we would not waver or be tossed by uncertainty before our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please pray for my wife throughout the remainder of the pregnancy.
  2. The second matter of prayer are those who will be travelling over the weekend and next several weeks to be with us. Pray for travelling mercies and God's grace in their trip.
  3. The last matter of prayer is mostly for me. This weekend and next week will be completely full of excitement. Being with Lacey during the delivery of our baby girl is by far my most important responsibility this week and next. I also have mid-term exams due at the end of next week (these will be the first that I take online). To top it all off McDonald's has scheduled me to work 26 hours for next week along with my normal 20 hours at the church which comes to a grand total of 46. There is little doubt that something will have to give next week for me to do all of that and hopefully it will not be my sanity. Most likely I will do very little at the church since it is the most forgiving out of everything else. Please pray for these things and ask the Lord to give me patience. I know that it is true that we will be enduring many nights of an upset baby's tears, so I can't think of a better time for everything to fall apart (sarcasm intended). I covet your prayers.

Updates will come later, until then please be praying for us. We are extremely excited for these times in our life and can't wait to see our little girl for the first time. It has been an awesome experience to serve my wife during these past several months and it has been a blessing to see her serve me even during some of the tougher times of the pregnancy. She is a beautiful and excellent wife who I love very much.

In and By His Grace,


Monday, September 29, 2008

We are getting closer...

Sorry I haven't updated in a month. We have been getting ready for Abigail to come. We went to our lamaze class the first weekend in September and were able to take a tour of the OB department at the hospital. This was all very informative for us since we have obviously never been through this before and didn't know what to expect. We had a baby shower at the church here a couple of weeks ago and recieved many items. I think she will be set on clothes for awhile. God has truly blessed us many friends and family from here to Texas and we appreciate them all.

We are a little over 38 weeks now and I have been dialated to a 1 as of last Wednesday. We go back to see the doctor this Thursday, Oct. 2nd. Mom will also be flying in that day so please be praying for her safe arrival. We are so excited and ready for Abbi to be here. We are both a little nervous....mine with the delivery and Tyler with what to expect when she gets here. I will post pictures of her room after I get it all cleaned up. That is all the baby news right now.

Tyler is still working at McDonalds, at the church, and going to school. His classes seem to be going well. I think he likes being able to sit in his arm chair and take classes. I also know it will be a blessing that he will be able to sit and hold Abigail while taking classes. He finally has a pretty regular schedule at least he is off by noon everyday so that he can go work at the church. My last day to work was last friday so now I will be able to be home with Abigail.

Those are all the updates for now...I probably won't update again until she gets here....hopefully that is soon =)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What's been going on...

Well last week was a pretty crazy week but very rewarding. Tyler started his new job at McDonalds and he is liking it. He works mostly in the morning and is usually cooking...which means he doesn't have to deal with irate customers. On Tuesday my mom, dad, and niece arrived at our house. They stayed till Sunday afternoon. We had a lot of fun playing games, going to the lake, and just enjoying each others company. It was a blessing for Tyler and I to have family up here. Now we are looking forward to his mom and Dean coming on Thursday morning....they are flying and this is Carol's 1st flight so be praying for her.

We went to the Doctor on Thursday of last week for a check up and he said everything is looking good. I passed my diabetes test (whew). Abigail is growing and moving around alot! We can't wait till she gets here so we can hold her. Anyways we have started going every 2 weeks for 2 more visits then we will go every week.

For those of you who like to see people getting fat I will put a picture up of my belly growing. Now no smart comments on like....(are you having twins? ) I have already had some of those.

ok this one was taken while I was down in Texas and Justin's wedding. So I was about 21 weeks (and for those of you guys who don't go by weeks that is about 5 months and then some.)

I know my mom will love her picture being up on here...but that is what ya get when you take pictures with the pregnant lady. Anyways this was just this past Sunday so I am 31 weeks. (again for those who can't take that and divide by 4 it's 7.75 months.)

"Look at me from the I look bigger" =)

A closer picture

This is my niece Brittany for those who don't know her. Abigail kicked her in the head when she laid on my stomach....she thought it was cool.