This is only a 2D picture but you can see her hand going up on the left

At last her first bed
We want to say a special thank you to our parent who bought Abbi's crib. It is very pretty and we really like it. Thank you for all the love and support you give us.
On another note...
Today we finally got Tyler all signed up for classes and got his financial aid all together. He begins school on August 11th and will be taking 18 hours. Some from the junior college here close and 3 classes from Boyce College (online). Please be praying for him as the school year approachs it is going to be a busy semester. Tyler also has an interview with McDonalds on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see about getting a second part-time job. This semester is going to be very full for us and we could use all the prayers.
F.Y.I.... We go back to the Dr on Thursday this week, I will update again with more news then.
Serving Christ in Illinois