Well last week was a pretty crazy week but very rewarding. Tyler started his new job at McDonalds and he is liking it. He works mostly in the morning and is usually cooking...which means he doesn't have to deal with irate customers. On Tuesday my mom, dad, and niece arrived at our house. They stayed till Sunday afternoon. We had a lot of fun playing games, going to the lake, and just enjoying each others company. It was a blessing for Tyler and I to have family up here. Now we are looking forward to his mom and Dean coming on Thursday morning....they are flying and this is Carol's 1st flight so be praying for her.
We went to the Doctor on Thursday of last week for a check up and he said everything is looking good. I passed my diabetes test (whew). Abigail is growing and moving around alot! We can't wait till she gets here so we can hold her. Anyways we have started going every 2 weeks for 2 more visits then we will go every week.
For those of you who like to see people getting fat I will put a picture up of my belly growing. Now no smart comments on like....(are you having twins? ) I have already had some of those.

ok this one was taken while I was down in Texas and Justin's wedding. So I was about 21 weeks (and for those of you guys who don't go by weeks that is about 5 months and then some.)
I know my mom will love her picture being up on here...but that is what ya get when you take pictures with the pregnant lady. Anyways this was just this past Sunday so I am 31 weeks. (again for those who can't take that and divide by 4 it's 7.75 months.)
"Look at me from the side...do I look bigger" =)
A closer picture
This is my niece Brittany for those who don't know her. Abigail kicked her in the head when she laid on my stomach....she thought it was cool.