Monday, December 22, 2008

9 Weeks

Well this will be our last post until we return from Texas. We can't wait to see everyone and hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the pictures!
"Who needs Santa, I've got grandparents!"

Isn't she so CUTE!!

She is getting so big!

Monday, December 15, 2008

8 Weeks Old

Well this week has shown to be a little trying of mommy and daddy's patience, but we have made it through. Abbi was very colicky this week (at least that is what the Dr and I think it is) One minute she will be happy and the next she is screaming her head off. However, she did learn some new things this week.....look.

That's right her daddy taught her how to stick out her is so cute to watch. Tyler will do it and she will just laugh and then she will try. I tried to get it on video but I wasn't quick enough. She was upset by the time I got it.

After a bath on Saturday (8 Weeks) I put her in the same outfit that she came home from the hospital in....she has outgrown it now. Look at the difference

3 days old8 weeks old

She is also making all sorts of cute noises now...we are working on her saying mama. =) Well that is all for now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

7 Weeks Old

"Hello Everyone"
Well another week has come and gone and Abbi is getting bigger. This last week has been a little stressful...Abbi has had some bad stomach aches. Last night (Saturday) she was up for at least an hour screaming her little head off. I at first thought she had some acid reflux but after talking with some of the other women at church who have little ones I believe she may have some really bad gas. I think she is gulping in a lot of air because the milk comes out so fast. Anyways I went to Kroger tonight and got her some natural gas relief drops....we shall see what the night holds....(so far she is sleeping good).

In other news we tried her on the bottle again this weekend and she finally took it for some of the ladies at church. However, I have to be totally out of the room where she can not hear me, smell, me, or see me. I am so happy though now because I know she won't starve if I leave her some where.

"I'm ready for the snow"

"Dadddy, stop taking pictures of me and PICK ME UP!"

"Ok I will smile for the camera, this one time"

A couple of weeks ago we had some family pictures taken...these aren't the best quality because you have to order them from JcPenny, but they will do.

Well that is the end for this week..tune in next week for more exciting times with the Loopers!