She has started to open her mouth all the time and she looks like a little bird. She is very talkative now and she stays awake most of the day; however she is still not sleeping through the night. Texas must have had a good effect on her while we were there, because she started sleeping through the night and as soon as we got back she quit.
I started feeding her rice cereal in hopes that it would help her sleep longer...(no such luck) but the video I got of her eating from a spoon for the first time is great. Needless to say she doesn't really like the spoon yet.
"Why are you taking my picture while I am trying to eat?"
In other news Tyler and I are doing great and things are starting to get busy again. Tyler started back to school this last week and is still working 2 jobs. I am still trying to get the house cleaned from before we left. On Wednesdays we are starting something new for the youth. We are splitting into boys and girls and doing individual studies. I am going to be teaching the girls through a book called "Lies Young Women Believe" and i am very excited. This book really deals with many of the lies the girls hear on a day to day basis, either by media, peers, or self. Tyler is going through a book for the guys that teach them how to be Godly young men. Please be praying for us as we try to disciple these youth. Please pray specifically that we will have more of the kids show up on Wednesdays for these studies.