Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fun at the state park

Ok yall I'm sorry it has taken me so long but my good excuses are that 1) I have a 8 month old getting into everything and 2) I couldn't get the videos to upload or you would have seen these pictures about a month ago. 3) Our summer is crazy and it never seems like I am home. I will try and get the videos working today with some even more updated pictures. Most of these picture are of Abbi when she is 6 to 7 months.
Abbi is crawling, pulling up, driving (just for Mendi) and she says mamma, da da and bye bye, and some other things I can't quite understand yet. Hope you enjoy I will update more later.
This is a waterfall (no water yet) at one of the state parks here

"Yep, I'm cute!"

"This green stuff feels funny on my feet"

That's me fishing illegally....oops

This is Fern Cliff State Park. I didn't know such pretty places where in Illinois.


"You want me to do what?"

"You're funny mommy!"

"Take my picture"

Standing all on her own

Abbi has the smallest mission shirt

She is starting to walk with her toy