I know I haven't posted in awhile so here is all that you have missed...
- She says mama, dada, by by (sorta)
- She gets into everything
- She loves water....there is another video for that
- She has been on her first trip to Texas
- She has been on her first mission trip to Kansas/Nebraska
- She is eating anything you put in her mouth or anything she puts in..even if it's not digestible
- She can play peek a boo
- She can buzz her lips
- She spits and sputters
- She will wave bye bye
- She gives Kisses
- She definitely knows her name and the word NO
I'll just let the pictures say the rest
I love my cousin!
Driving Pawpaw's tractor
Uh oh they caught me
I Love the water!
Climbing up
Shipping me to grandmas
"Help Daddy, I'm stuck...Don't take a picture of me!"
Getting ready for the 4th
Daddy is funny
Hi Riley
Baby dedication service
Playing in the bubbles
Say Cheese!
hi Memaw
Hi Grammy
My first set of drums
As far as the rest of us.....Tyler is getting ready to start school on September 8th. He is still working at Mcdonalds and the Church. I am still working at Mom's Milk Boutique and keeping up with Abbi. And Riley is losing alot of weight. The vet said she had to lose 80 pounds cause she was 114 pounds when we took her in...that's good compared to the 135 pounds she weighed when we got her. She is looking good though.
Video of Abbi swimming at the family reunion