Thursday, February 26, 2009

18 1/2 Weeks

Well we all survived the separation. Tyler and I left last Thursday the 19th to go to the True Church conference in Muscle Shoals, AL. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with those from our church here and those from Briar. The conference was on Repentance and it was very challenging. I never thought that there were 2 kinds of repentance, you can have man-centered repentance or God given repentance. If you have never thought about it take some time to consider whether you have worldly sorrow over your sin because of the consequences it brings or whether you are broken because you have offended the Holy God of the universe. It took be back and I had to re-examine my life. The conference was great but I was ready to come home and see my little girl.

Grace Life Church of Muscle Shoals

While we were gone Mom stayed here with Abbi. Poor mom got sick the second day we were gone, but I think she still got to enjoy some time with Abbi. When we got back on Sunday I couldn't believe how much her face had changed in 4 days. Well these pictures/videos are from the middle of the week since we weren't here on Saturday...

This is a reenactment of the day Tyler proposed

Abbi can now roll over from her back to her stomach and vice versa. She doesn't do it a whole lot yet but I know it will be soon. She reaches for stuff now...just watch

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17 Weeks Old...Happy Valentines Day

Well I had planned on getting these up on Saturday so I could say Happy Valentines Day....but obviously that didn't happen. So Happy Belated Valentines Day!!

This one is just creepy looking....she moved just at the right time

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

16 Weeks Old

"Why must you always take my picture?"
Ok ok I know it is Wednesday and I am just now posting.... But hey it is not like I don't have a baby to take care of here. New things about Abbi:

1) She talks alot (I wonder where she gets that) If my pawpaw were here he would call her jabber jaws 5 or motor mouth 5

2) She is trying to sit up on her own
3) She can roll over from her stomach to her back, but not the other way

4) She is learning to eat rice cereal from a is fun, sticky, and messy.
5) She weighed 12 lbs 7.5 oz last week and was 24 in long (2

6) She is a mama's girl

Baby's got her blue jeans on

In other news her Memaw (my mom) will be coming up here next week to keep Abbi for a few days while Tyler and I go to the True Church Conference in Muscle Shoals, AL. Yes I am nervous about leaving her....(not that I don't trust my mom..after all I am still alive afer 25 years... =) ) But this will be my first time to be away from her overnight. It is a good thing I have unlimited minutes on my cell phone! Please be praying for all of us this next week. Pray that Abbi will be ok with mom and not cry the whole time and pray that I don't cry the whole time either....just kidding.

Aw peacful times

Naked Baby!!

Perfect time for a pedicure
That's all Folks!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

15 Weeks Old and SNOW!

Learning how to cook at an early age
That's a froggy here great granny got her for Christmas

Well this week has been very stressful, relaxful and cold. I know those first two seem like an oxymoron but let me explain. This week we had about 1 1/2 inches of ice and sleet, and then the next day we had about 5 inches of snow. After Monday we could not get out of the driveway. This was great the first day cause we all just hung out inside and we went out and played in the snow a little too.....

However the next day which was Wednesday Tyler tried to get the car out of the car port so he could go to work and it got stuck (you see we have rear wheel drive on this new car....not good for ice and snow) Anyways so we had some of neighbors come over and try to help get it out, but that didn't work. The next day (yes Thursday) one of the guys from the church came over and helped us get it out of the drive. So for three whole days we were stuck inside. No biggie but Abbi and I didn't get out till Saturday....I had cabin fever for sure (Abbi didn't care though as long as she was fed and changed). I am definitely not use to this being from Texas.

Some Neighborhood kids clearing our driveway

So the last day (Friday) when Tyler got home from work as he was backing in the car kinda slid to the outer part of the drive that was still covered in ice and buried one wheel almost in the ditch. So we had to call someone else to come and pull us out. It has been a mess and there is still snow covering the ground today. It has been interesting to say the least. Us Texans aren't use to all this winter weather. I always told my dad I needed a 4 wheel drive and he always said I would never use it....I would now. =)

Well enjoy the rest of the pictures...

First day of sleet, ice, and snow

Second day of snow

Tyler and Riley walked up to the church one day and so these are the pictures from that adventure....

Riley loves the snow