Well this week has been very stressful, relaxful and cold. I know those first two seem like an oxymoron but let me explain. This week we had about 1 1/2 inches of ice and sleet, and then the next day we had about 5 inches of snow. After Monday we could not get out of the driveway. This was great the first day cause we all just hung out inside and we went out and played in the snow a little too.....
However the next day which was Wednesday Tyler tried to get the car out of the car port so he could go to work and it got stuck (you see we have rear wheel drive on this new car....not good for ice and snow) Anyways so we had some of neighbors come over and try to help get it out, but that didn't work. The next day (yes Thursday) one of the guys from the church came over and helped us get it out of the drive. So for three whole days we were stuck inside. No biggie but Abbi and I didn't get out till Saturday....I had cabin fever for sure (Abbi didn't care though as long as she was fed and changed). I am definitely not use to this being from Texas.
So the last day (Friday) when Tyler got home from work as he was backing in the car kinda slid to the outer part of the drive that was still covered in ice and buried one wheel almost in the ditch. So we had to call someone else to come and pull us out. It has been a mess and there is still snow covering the ground today. It has been interesting to say the least. Us Texans aren't use to all this winter weather. I always told my dad I needed a 4 wheel drive and he always said I would never use it....I would now. =)
Well enjoy the rest of the pictures...
First day of sleet, ice, and snow
Second day of snow
Tyler and Riley walked up to the church one day and so these are the pictures from that adventure....
Riley loves the snow
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