Ok ok I know it is Wednesday and I am just now posting.... But hey it is not like I don't have a baby to take care of here. New things about Abbi:
1) She talks alot (I wonder where she gets that) If my pawpaw were here he would call her jabber jaws 5 or motor mouth 5
2) She is trying to sit up on her own
3) She can roll over from her stomach to her back, but not the other way
4) She is learning to eat rice cereal from a spoon...it is fun, sticky, and messy.
5) She weighed 12 lbs 7.5 oz last week and was 24 in long (2 ft...wow)
6) She is a mama's girl
In other news her Memaw (my mom) will be coming up here next week to keep Abbi for a few days while Tyler and I go to the True Church Conference in Muscle Shoals, AL. Yes I am nervous about leaving her....(not that I don't trust my mom..after all I am still alive afer 25 years... =) ) But this will be my first time to be away from her overnight. It is a good thing I have unlimited minutes on my cell phone! Please be praying for all of us this next week. Pray that Abbi will be ok with mom and not cry the whole time and pray that I don't cry the whole time either....just kidding.
Aw peacful times
Naked Baby!!
Perfect time for a pedicure
That's all Folks!!
MUCH better that NOTHING!!!!! Good commentary; cute pics; adorable child!
Have fun next week!
What a beautiful baby! I sure do miss all of ya'll. Grammy
She is really cute and so stinking big! I wish I could come down there. That snow didn't look like much ya know.. ;) Miss you girl!
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